All rented property must now obtain a “Legionella Risk Assessment” according to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Landlords of residential property have responsibility for combating Legionnaires Disease . HSE legislation requires that landlords carry out risk assessments for the Legionella bacteria which cause Legionnaires Disease and maintain control measures to minimise the risk. Most rented premises will be low risk but it is important that Legionella risk assessments are carried out and control measures introduced.
Our comprehensive and compliant Legionella Risk Assessments in Herefordshire includes identification and evaluation of all potential sources of risk associated with Legionella within your building or water system.
This involves:-
Legionella risk assessments are required by law They are a statutory requirement under the Health & Safety at work act 1974 amonst others.
Legionella risk assessments are a fundamental step in protecting your tenants and the public from exposure to contacting Legionnaires disease They should be reviewed every two years or following a system change.
Legionella risk assessments should meet the requirements of the HSE's ACoP L8.
Legionella bacteria are found in the natural environment and may contaminate and grow in water systems,including domestic hot and cold water systems. They survive low temperatures and thrive at temperatures between 20 - 40ºC if the conditions are right. They are killed by high temperatures at 60ºC or above.
"A suitable and sufficient assessment is required to identify and assess the risk of exposure to Legionella bacteria from work activities and water systems on the premises and any necessary precautionary measures."
ACop L8 paragraph23
Make sure Hot Water is turned on at least 1 hour before survey.
Unencumbered access to Water Tanks in Loft (Building Regs state there should be a boarded walkway from loft hatch to Water Tank). Where access to loft is over stairwell and/or at height of over 3 metres, a safe ladder or scaffold must be supplied.
Unencumbered access to Boiler.
Unencumbered access to Hot Water Tank.
Access to all outside aspects to property (Front, Back and Sides).
If any of the above is not available on our visit, then the Risk Assessment will be postponed and an abortive visit fee of £25.00 will be payable.